Sunday, August 26, 2018

The American Conservative: Francis Gay Mafia Bombshell: The Day After - Francis (Rome)

Francis Gay Mafia Bombshell: The Day After - The American Conservative (8/26/2018)
Wuerl denies he was informed of Vatican restrictions on McCarrick - Catholic News Agency
Pope Francis Alleged to Have Known in 2013 About Sex-Abuse Charges
News of Archbishop Vigano Has Hit the Curia Like an Atomic Bomb - Roman Catholic Man
Church Militant - Facebook Live - Special Report (starts at 4:15)

---"In a statement on Sunday, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler said that while he has no direct knowledge about the allegations against Pope Francis or others mentioned in Viganò’s letter, he finds them 'credible.' "---
Ex-papal envoy to US calls on Pope to resign, saying he knew about McCarrick

Bishop Strickland's public statement:
---"[...] as your shepherd I find them to be credible.  Using this standard the response must be a thorough investigation, similar to those conducted any time allegations are deemed to be credible."

---Cdl. Burke told LifeSiteNews Sunday...."The declarations made by a prelate of the authority of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò must be totally taken to heart by those responsible in the Church. Each declaration must be subject to investigation, according to the Church's time-tried procedural law."---
Cardinal Burke responds to former US nuncio’s explosive letter about Pope Francis

---From Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix, "I ask that Archbishop Viganò’s testimony be taken seriously by all, and that every claim that he makes be investigated thoroughly. Many innocent people have been seriously harmed by clerics like Archbishop McCarrick; whoever has covered up these shameful acts must be brought to the light of day.”
Statement from Bishop Olmsted in the Diocese of Phoenix

---From Archbishop Coakley of Oklahoma City, "This document merits, indeed it demands deeper examination and verification of each of its claims."
Archbishop Coakley's Response to Viganó Testimony

---From Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco, "His statements, therefore, must be taken seriously.  To dismiss them lightly would continue a culture of denial and obfuscation."
Archbishop Cordileone's Letter on the Testimony of Archbishop Viganò

---From Robert C. Morlino of Madison, "...the criteria for credible allegations are more than fulfilled, and an investigation, according to proper canonical procedures, is certainly in order."